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Thank You For Your Support!

The Carnegie Wildcat Education Endowment Fund would like to thank everyone for their bids on the silent auction of the cow skulls, not just the winning bidders.  It was exciting to see the community interaction and interest shown for the student’s work. Carnegie Public Schools Art Instructor Jill McGlothlin made a bonus donation to each of the fourteen skulls her students created that were entered in the contest.  The total raised was $1,000!  First through Fourth place prize winners will be announced and the prize money total of $250 will be given at the High School Awards Assembly. Thanks to everyone who made this project a resounding success!   



As per the bylaws, the annual meeting and election of officers of the Carnegie Wildcat Education Endowment Fund will be held in conjunction with the Alumni Reunion. The meeting is set for 5:30 pm, Friday, April 28, at the Carnegie Fire Station Alumni registration site. Any interested party is invited to attend and participate. You will not be elected to anything unless you want to serve. We need input and participation from the community for this organization to continue to be successful. You do not have to be a board member to provide assistance to the fund. We need helping hands!

An election of board seats with terms expiring and a slate of officers to serve two-year terms will be elected by those present. Board members responsibilities include fund raising, promotion of the organization and selection of grant recipients. If you would like more information, contact any current board member: Lynn Ann Dietrich, Micheal Longhat, Sharon Wilson, Derrek Belase. Debra Mickley, Christi Harrison or Crystal Schneberger.

Please attend. This will not be a long meeting!

Additional Skulls Added To Silent Auction

Carnegie Public Schools Art Instructor Jill McGlothlin graciously donated two cow skulls that she painted to be included in the upcoming fundraiser. These skulls were not included in the contest but will be available to the highest bidder in the silent auction.

Art Students Paint Cow Skulls for Endowment Fundraiser

Excitement today at the reveal and judging of the newest fundraiser for the Carnegie Wildcat Education Endowment Fund! Cow skulls that have been designed and painted by the Carnegie High School art students of Jill McGlothlin debuted today. These creative students were competing for cash prizes for 1ST, 2ND, 3RD and 4TH places awarded by the Endowment Fund. This was a community service project by the students who participated. Judging happened this afternoon at the Carnegie High School cafeteria by judges Monroe Tsatoke, K. C. Nimsey and Ronnie Avants. Winning skulls were chosen today but you will have to stay tuned for the big announcement of the artists and winners in the next few days! The best news is these cow skulls will be offered by auction to the highest bidder and can be seen at Alumni Headquarters on Friday, April 28th and Saturday, April 29th. Stay tuned to this page or contact Lynn Ann Dietrich for further details.

Lynn Ann Dietrich, Carnegie Wildcat Education Endowment Fund President, Jill McGlothlin, Carnegie Art Instructor and contest judges K. C. Nimsey, Ronnie Avants and Monroe Tsatoke.  

Judges K. C. Nimsey, Monroe Tsatoke and Ronnie Avants discussing contest entries.


Working Away at the Computer

Recent Success


Carrie Marshall, Carnegie Elementary School teacher, received a $185.00 Document Camera grant provided by the Carnegie Wildcat Education Endowment Fund.


The document camera is being used for learning in a variety of ways. It is being used as a webcam to record student speeches in the classroom.


“It gives every student a front row seat as they are shown how to work with math manipulatives and gives them something to take home and they are using it to show the entire class of second graders,” said Mrs. Marshall.

Grants totaling $2,635.73 were awarded by the fund in November 2018.

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